Lisa Platt - Energy Healer

 “Healing happens when you become one with yourself”

When you come in for a treatment........

            When you come for a treatment, you will fill out a brief intake form (if a remote healing you will receive the intake form by e-mail prior to your appointment).  Lisa will go over the form with you and discuss your present concerns.  Depending on what your focus is, Lisa will provide a combination of hands-on healing, energy awareness, consciousness exercises, and spiritual guidance.


              Hands on Healing:

Hands on Healing is a gentle laying of hands technique done on or just above the body. Clients lie supine on a massage table, fully clothed with pillows to support head and knees if needed. (if working remotely, you are asked to be in a comfortable chair away from any distractions).  The healer works with her hands to affect your energy field and asks that you stay present and aware of what is going.  This is so that you can give important feedback as well as be part of the process.  Balancing and repairing the energy field leads to healing and balance of one’s physical, emotional, mental and spiritual selves.


            Awareness and Consciousness Exercises:

As an Energy Healing client, you will be encouraged to become more and more aware of your own energy system and changes that are happening within it.  As you are ready, your healer may give you exercises to assist in the healing, or in addition to the healing to be done at home in between sessions.  This is designed to enhance the work and further you in your healing process.


              Spiritual Guidance:

Lisa has developed her ability to sense and “hear” her Spirit Guides that in turn communicate with your Guidance System as well.  Together with you, your “team”, and hers, a custom-made session is created for you, specifically for where you are in your process. what level of healing you are working at presently.


            Dreams:  Dreams are also an important part of what helps to see what is going on with your unconscious self and how it relates to your energy system.  Lisa uses them a lot in her work, and it is most helpful if you keep track of any significant dreams to report at your following session.


Important focuses of Lisa's work:

          Wholeness:  Energy Healing is designed to help a person become more whole.  When we experience life, we inevitably encounter stresses in our system that cause us to separate from our whole selves.  We develop restrictions, defenses, disconnects and compensations. Through this work, we become more and more conscious of these patterns and work to free ourselves from their hold.  It is hard and good work.  As we heal, we become more our true and authentic selves, and thus are happier, more fulfilled, and healthier.  You can choose to work at whatever level you feel comfortable; emotional, mental, spiritual, or physical or all of the above.  They are inevitably interrelated and the health of one area leads to the health of all.


          Grounding:   Lisa’s work focuses on helping people to arrive and exist with themselves and the Earth; to be grounded and centered, and connected to self, are an integral part of her work.  Grounding exercises and other awareness based practices are introduced as you are ready.